Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Yoga for Surfers 3 Minute Warm Up

Since moving to California one year ago, I began living an extremely active life. The constant sunshine allows me to venture outdoors more than I could ever have imagined. In living an active lifestyle, always on the go, I've had to learn how to stay fueled and hydrated to keep energized! Recently, I've discovered whey protein by Designer Whey which was designed specifically for females who live an active lifestyle. Before I get on my mat for yoga I snack on a Designer Whey protein bar and after I've been in the water paddling, I love the taste of a protein shake!
My hydration and energy inspire my life - stay fueled to inspire yours too!
  I love sharing my passion of yoga, especially with those that I know will benefit specifically from the practice. For those of you that surf, you know where you are tight, sore, and banged up after a few hours in the water.
This 3 minute yoga session will improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance while you surf as well as prevent injury.   
You don't even need a yoga  mat for this quick practice, just move and stretch in your wetsuit or board shorts before you paddle out & I promise you will feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized!

Standing Forward Bend
Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips
Strengthens the thighs, and knees
Opens & strengthens shoulders 

Surf Benefits:
Provides shoulder strength for paddling

Try it out:
1. Separate your feet hip distance apart
2. Interlace your fingertips behind your low spine
3. Hinge at your hips bringing the top of your head towards the ground
4. Lift your interlaced palms off of your low spine as much as your shoulders allow
5. Breathe and hold for 30 seconds

Chair Pose
Strengthens ankles, calves, thighs, and spine
Stretches shoulders and chest
Surf Benefits:
Builds strength in your feet & toes providing a firm foundation & added agility on your board
Try it out:
1. Stand with toes touching and heels one inch apart
2. Bend your knees so that your thighs come as close to parallel to the ground as possible
3. Squeeze claves, knees, thighs into the midline
4. Reach fingertips high and draw your shoulders away from your ears
5. Hold and breathe for 30 seconds
           High Plank to Low Plank
Chaturanga Dandasana
Tones the abdomen
Strengthens arms, shoulders & wrists

Surf Benefits:
Improves paddle technique for bigger days
Try it out:
1. Stack your shoulders over your wrists & your heels over your toes
2. From straight arm plank, lower halfway to low plank with shoulders in line with elbows
3. Squeeze your elbows in towards your ribs
4. Engage your abdomen and gaze at the top of your mat
5. Hold and breathe in high plank for 10 seconds & low plank for 10 seconds
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 
Strengthens spine, arms, and wrists
Stretches chest, shoulders, and abdominals

Surf Benefits:
Injury prevention in wrist, necks, shoulders, and back
Try it out:
1. From chaturanga, uncurl your toes so the tops of your feet are on the mat
        2. Straighten your arms
               3. Squeeze your shoulderblades towards your spine
              4. Open your chest & gaze forward
              5. Hold and breathe for 10 seconds
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
Energizes the body & relieves stress
Surf Benefits:
Allows you to pop up quick & light on your feet
How to:
1. Start in a tabletop, on your hands and knees with fingertips spread wide
      2.Tuck your toes and lift your hips to the sky
  3.Straighten your legs & lengthen your heels down to the ground
4. Engage your shoulderblades while drawing your chest closer towards your thighs
         5. Hold and breathe for 30 seconds

                 Warrior II
Stretches groins, chest, lungs, shoulders
Strengthens quads, ankles, calves
Increases stamina
Surf Benefits:
Improves strength and endurance in your lower body for longer waves
Try it out:
1.       From your downdog, step your right left forward to a low lunge
2.       Turn your back foot out 45 degrees and press down through the pinky edge of your foot
3.       Bend your front knee to stack right over top of your front ankle
4.       Lift your arms in line with your shoulders and gaze over your front fingertips
5.       Hold and breathe for 30 seconds
Repeat on left side

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