Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Goal Setting 101 with Marissa Rose

I've always a been a passionate believer in the power goal setting and manifesting your own life. I remember myself  2 years ago doing this exact mediation - visualizing myself in 5 years from that date. I saw myself living in a beach house with an ocean view. I woke up in the morning, went for a morning paddle, came back to my balcony for meditation and yoga session and then started my day with my loved one & set off to accomplish a day of work in the yoga industry.

Today, just 2 years later - I am living in this exact dream space I created for myself and now it's time to think even bigger!

I stand behind this Goal Setting formula because it truly works! If goal setting typically sends you running the opposite way, take a breath. Recognize, you are not attached to your goals, you are simply motivated by your goals. Every 6 months I come back to what I've written for myself. I reflect on what I've accomplished, and what's yet to be conquered - then I revise & revamp accordingly. You can do the same!

Grab a pen & paper. Give yourself the gift of 20 minutes of solitude & gratitude - this is it!

Part 1: Get Present
Ask yourself: How do I feel in my life write now?
For example: Happy, Alone, Free, Dependent, Confused, Ambitious
Make a list of all of these feelings as they come up.

Choose your top 3 feelings right now & make a list:

Part 2: What are you searching for?

Ask yourself: How do I want to feel?
For example: Happy, Free, Loved, Supported, Independent, Grounded
Make a list of all of these feelings as they come up.

Choose your top 3 ultimate feelings & make a list:

Part 3: Meditate
Find yourself in a seated position or lying on the floor. Allow your palms to face up to receive.
Take 5 minutes for yourself. Imagine yourself in 1 year from this very moment. Allow yourself to really feel those top 3 feelings you want for yourself. Then reflect & meditate on the following:

Where am I?
Who am I with?
What is the weather like?
How do I feel?
What do I smell?
What do I taste?
What sounds do I hear?
Am I alone?
Am I by the beach? The mountains? The forest? In a city?
Am I content?
Am I happy?
What do I see around me?
What am I wearing?
How did I get here?
How long will I stay?
Is this a new place?
Have I been here before?
What have I accomplished?
Am I truly where I want to be?

Part 4: Manifest on paper!

Begin with "I am" statements & be specific.
For example: "I am living in a beach house in San Clemente, CA"

Set a "by when" date of when you wish to accomplish your goals. Think 1 year from this exact day!

Break up your goals by:
(1) Career
(2) Health
(3) Personal

Then choose 3 goals within in category of your life.

See below for outline:

1. I am ...

1. I am ...

1. I am ...

Now take a full breath in. And a loving breath out. You did it!

Keep your goals in a safe space that you can reach for when your needing a boost of energy and self love. Know that anything to set to achieve will unfold for you in exactly the right way. Let go of attachment & live in a space of freedom to receive.